Thursday, September 16, 2010

Purple it's not just for kids. hahaha

Ok let me start off by first introducing you to the term purple.

As far various youth type work is concerned purple is something that should not exist.

You see when you mix the colors red and blue together you get purple.

Now I have heard that in many youth type events the color blue is ascribed to boys while the girls are designated with the color red. And well they aren't supposed to mix.

Now I hate to say it but in my recent adventures in ministry I have had the misfortune to work with some rather immature adults.

Now believe me I am fond of the opposite sex. I'd be willing to wager that the vast majority of my friends belong to that gender.

But some behaviors are not appropriate at some times.

I have seen lots of youth ministry all over the place. And I have known a lot of people involved in youth ministry. And I have seen situations where it's really cute because everyone behaves like a grown up and as far as I can tell for all outward appearances the relationship is super chaste. And everyone ohhs and ahhs. And I have seen big ugly messes where I have pretended I don't know anyone.

Now in my neck of the woods it's a little more complicated because there is a rule that states that two people cannot be involved with one another and in the same ministry.

At first I thought this was a stupid rule but who cares because it didn't affect me. Now I never asked why this rule was created. Quite frankly I think that some of the people out there who could have given me a definitive answer were either bumblers, or morons out for their own evil ends.

I don't know if the creators of this rule had an actual reason for creating it. But I have seen the practicality of it regardless.

I'm gonna start with the easiest reason to convey first. If you are too busy fawning over that special someone then guess what the possibility of things happening right beneath your nose is suddenly greater.

Now what I consider to be the most important reason has a couple of components.

First some adults are not always capable (or just plain incapable)of acting like adults.

Secondly due to this fact they sometimes set a bad example.

Here's a big one: It is difficult if not impossible to act and speak from a position of authority and credibility when you are busy setting a bad example.

And finally there is a chance you can undermine some if not all of the good you may have done.

I was once at a youth event with two other ministry type people. And the girl ran into one of her friends and the friend was like is this your boyfriend. And she said something along the lines of yes but it's a secret because at my church people working together in youth ministry can't date.


Making it a secret does not make it ok.

And it's not a secret if kids are coming up to me asking me what's going on with you two.

Fortunately I had with me my plausible deniability device.

(Read that last sentence as Gameboy for any of you out there who believe such a device might come in handy. Apparently the world can burn to the ground around me and I will not notice if my gameboy if charged and on.)

Unfortunately I think that they got a thrill out of getting frisky with me around and getting away with it. (Oh yeah geniuses if I happen to be paying too much attention to the TV or movie or whatever it means I am in plausible deniability mode also. Because you know tv is so complicated I can't do complex math at the same time. But don't worry you're safe because there is no way someone who is a contemplative charismatic could ever figure out anything that not laid out carefully before him.)

This is the same person who told me and I quote "I know it's wrong but I don't have a problem with it." Because you know that makes it all good.

So in summation be good you don't know who is watching and how it will affect the world. Of course God is always watching so we're all in some hot water. But I recommend getting in as little as possible.